UT Health doctor to address physician suicide [updated]

July 22, 2015 | Events, News, Medicine and Life Sciences, UTMC
By Brandi Barhite

A series of studies have documented a noticeable decline in the mental and social health of American physicians.

Physicians suffer some of the highest rates of alcoholism, divorce, substance abuse and suicide of any profession, according to research.

Dr. Blair Grubb, director of electrophysiology services at The University of Toledo Medical Center and Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Pediatrics, will present a lecture on the topic Wednesday, July 29, at 1 p.m. in the Mulford Café on Health Science Campus.

Grubb’s free, public presentation, “Struggling in Silence: Preventing Physician Suicide and Promoting Wellness,” will focus on three topics:

• Understanding the scope of the physician wellness issue;

• Describing the causes of physician suicide; and

• Discussing ways to address the issue of suicide and promoting wellness.