Did you miss the public forum The University of Toledo held Aug. 5 to discuss the scientific and health issues surrounding toxic algae blooms in Lake Erie?
Watch “Harmful Algae in Ohio’s Great Lake.”
More than 250 people attended the event in the Driscoll Alumni Center Auditorium on Main Campus.
A panel of faculty experts from The University of Toledo and Bowling Green State University discussed how a toxin produced by algae entered Toledo’s drinking water and where the region can go from here to address the issue of harmful algal blooms in western Lake Erie.
Questions were taken after the discussion from the audience and via Twitter using the hashtag #toledoalgae.
Researchers from both UT and BGSU have been monitoring algal blooms for years in Lake Erie as well as other bodies of water in Ohio and throughout the world.
The free, public event was sponsored by UT’s Lake Erie Center and Urban Affairs Center.