‘Games Without Frontiers’ Focus of Oct. 28 Engineering Distinguished Lecture Series

October 21, 2022 | Events, News, UToday, Alumni, Engineering
By Krystal Clark

The Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering Department will host Dr. Ryan Sochol, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park and a Fischell Institute Fellow with the Robert E. Fischell Institute for Biomedical Devices, as part of its inaugural Distinguished Lecture Series on Friday, Oct. 28.

His free, public lecture, titled “Games Without Frontiers: Playing Nintendo With a 3D-Printed Soft Robotic Hand is Just the Beginning,” begins at 1 p.m. in the Nitschke Auditorium Room 1000.


Sochol’s research specialties include 3D printing, microrobotics and physicobiology. For the lecture, he will discuss his Bioinspired Advanced Manufacturing Laboratory, which is pioneering micro/nanoscale additive manufacturing strategies to advance the life sciences and biomedical applications. An emphasis will be on the strategies used to engineer soft robotic systems with integrated fluidic circuitry including a soft robotic “hand” that plays Nintendo games.

The event is the first in the lecture series that honors Dr. Theo Keith, the first Distinguished Professor in the department, who recently celebrated 50 years at UToledo.

Registration is required to attend the lecture. For more information and to register, visit the event’s webpage.

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