‘Hamlet’ Adaptation for UToledo Stage Runs Nov. 10-20

November 9, 2022 | Events, News, UToday, Alumni, Arts and Letters
By Angela Riddel

The University of Toledo Department of Theatre and Film will present “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare, adapted and directed by Dr. Matt Foss, an associate professor of theatre, in the Center Theatre at the UToledo Center for Performing Arts.

The show will run from Thursday, Nov. 10, to Sunday, Nov. 20.

A scene from the UToledo stage production of William Shakespeare’s ‘Hamlet,’ adapted and directed by Dr. Matt Foss, an associate professor of theatre.

This highly theatrical and innovative 90-minute adaptation aims to be an exciting entry point for those seeing Shakespeare for the first time and a fresh examination of the classic play for longtime fans of the play.

“Shakespeare’s plays always relied on the audience’s imagination and though the setting of the play may be a castle in Denmark in the story, the play is full of famous speeches that make clear the setting is also in this room, in this moment, all together,” Foss said. “His plays were full of juxtapositions and anachronisms, like clocks in ‘Julius Caesar’ and togas on top of those famous pumpkin pants.

“As comfortable as he and his contemporaries were blending these old stories with their very immediate present, we are trying to do the same with a rigorous approach and examination of the verse with modern music and clothes.”

“Our productions typically have lighter houses early in the run and we end up turning folks away in the later weekends,” Foss added, “so we encourage those interested in the show to book tickets early,”.

Performances are Thursday through Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. with Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10-$20 and are available immediately prior to the performance or online in advance at the UToledo Tix webpage.

Parking on campus is no longer free during performances, except Sunday performances. For details, visit the ParkUToledo website.