Professor emeritus pledges book advance to Early Literacy Program

November 12, 2014 | Events, News, UToday, — Communication and the Arts
By Staff

Dr. Paul Many, local author and UT professor emeritus of communication, has pledged $1,000 of advance book royalties to the Early Literacy Campaign of the Library Legacy Foundation if his sci-fi novel SilverSky wins enough nominations to be accepted as a Kindle e-book.

Silver SkyIf the book receives enough nominations, and Amazon offers a Kindle contract, Many will donate $1,000 of his $1,500 advance to the early literacy campaign.

Explaining his rationale for the offer, Many said, “Children who are unready to read when they start school may be at a lifelong disadvantage. Reading is increasingly important for everything from interacting with others on Facebook to deciding which political candidate will best serve us. Of course,” he added jokingly, “I’d also like them to be able to read my books.”

SilverSky, inspired by Edgar Rice Burroughs’ pulp fiction titles such as The Gods of Mars, has made the first cut in the new Kindle “Scout” program from Amazon that seeks to crowd-source new books for electronic publication. The book has recently been listed among the top 20 in the ongoing program.

To nominate the book with no cost or obligation, search “SilverSky Kindle Scout” on Google, or go to

Many, who retired from The University of Toledo in 2013, is the author of three teen books and two children’s picture books with another forthcoming — all from major publishers.

With nearly one-third of Toledo-area children not prepared to enter kindergarten ready to read and write, the Library Legacy Foundation initiated the Early Literacy Campaign for the Toledo-Lucas County Public Library to bring essential early literacy skills and training to the areas of the community that are most at-risk.

A specially equipped library van to bring materials into target neighborhoods is already up and running, and the program provides other features such as literacy kits for parents and child-care teachers.